I woke up this morning planning to write something entirely different. I will write the other one, but as I began the morning rituals, starting the coffee, waking dad, getting his meds together, letting the dogs out etc..., I noticed it was snowing.

  Just ten days ago it was Christmas Eve and it was nearly 70 degrees outside. Now it's snowing! It's the first of the season and the first of the new year. It's balls cold! I always talk about how much I hate the snow, but I found that this year, the one thing I was looking forward to most (second only to getting one more Christmas with dad) about spending the holidays somewhere I'd rather not be, was snow. 

  So it's a few days late and hasn't accumulated much. It's a start. Some of that nostalgic feeling of spending Christmas break in this house as a kid. Being one of the few I went to school with in GA, that got to sled and ski or snowboard nearly every Christmas break. And we didn't have any money! Dad just lived in a magical place in the south, nestled in the Shenandoah valley. And dad knew where all the best sledding spots were. I can't remember a Christmas that wasn't white. Until we moved to Ga, I never understood why anyone would dream of a white Christmas, they were almost always white. Having my first 5 Christmases in Michigan didn't help this feeling either. 

   Anyhow, as an adult (a little alliteration anyone) I have grown to hate snow. Probably, more accurately stated, I hate other drivers in snow and piles of gross black and grey snow! But I have always maintained, that snow from Thanksgiving until January 5th was ok, for the holiday season. Yet here it is, January 4th and I'm sad there isn't more snow. I know it will come and I'll be sorry I had those feelings when it does, but today I want grilled cheese and tomato soup or chilli and cornbread, and to go sledding! Maybe I am only grasping for a few more new moments with my dad, like the ones from my youth. Hypocritical I know, but is it so bad?