Good evening Tommunists! As we enter into a new year, I think we can all stand to leave a few things behind in last year.

      1.   Stop being overly sensitive about everything.  2015 was without a doubt the most bitch made year in the 34 years I've walked the earth. The most butthurt masses came out in force to do what?  Piss, moan, and bellyache over everything, whether it was harmless halloween costumes or micro aggressions. They came out in droves to express their anger and hurt feelings over virtually nothing. That could have just as easily been ignored.

     2.  For god sake can we please do something anything about the state of music?  I know I am a prick snob when it comes to the music I like.  It's not something I make any excuses for I am who I am, but I long for the days when musicians actually wrote songs and played instruments.  Not this processed pop bullshit that I get force fed because I want to listen to the radio.  I can remember when rappers actually rapped, when hip hop was about lyricism and not production and making up a new dance. I remember when metal was fucking metal.  It was about attitude not image.  It was about talent not how many girls wanted to fuck the singer.

     3.  Can we get out of this bullshit left right paradigm?  I can tell you for a fact, if you do a little research, the establishment does not care about black, white, red, yellow or blue, they care about the bottom line and that's cash.  They don't give two shits about you or me or anyone else.  However, what they do fear more than anything is an informed public.  A public that can see the bullshit, and calls them on it, instead of blaming each other for it.

     4.  Can we finally start admitting that yes we are different?  Now I know that's a bitter pill to swallow but, we have to face facts some people can do things that others cannot. Take LeBron James for instance, even without all the training he put in he is still a natural athlete.  He is built to be an athlete.  The guy is 6ft 8!  He has a natural athletic build, if he was not a basketball player he would be good at something else. Dominick Cruz is another example.  He had an injury that would end most other careers but, he came back from it and he is better now then he was before, and because of that he is different.

     5.  Can we end the nonsense of putting our personal business on social media?  I understand that people get hurt and sometimes you need to talk about it.  I get that, but putting your personal life on display is ridiculous and is really selfish and shortsighted. Because in essence you are demanding that mutual friends or family take your side. This idea that somehow if we air our dirty laundry out in public we can get over it faster or move on any sooner is stupid and takes away from the human experience.
