Imagine yourself floating peacefully in a swimming pool.  Submerged, and silent you are floating undisturbed.  The only definition for up is your head, while your feet must be the bottom.  That is what outer space is like.  Floating, no up, and no down.  If you don't believe me find a rectangular planet, or star.  You can't, they are all spherical.  There are other reasons for that actually but, back to floating.

    Now that you know how to peacefully experience space, ponder with me, if you will:  Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity proposes that space and time are one thing.  Like a fabric they weave across or through each other.  Lets put that thought in the pool.  Place an air jet at one end of the pool.  This creates a stream or "river" in the pool.  No matter what you do, you cannot make the water flow against the jet.  No matter how fast you push through the water, the jet makes the water go around your hand in the direction of the jet's choosing.  So our jet is like time in our "Space Pool", continually flowing in one direction.  A half-assed but usable metaphor because time only flows in one direction.  Or does it? 

  First understand that whether you are in the deep end or the shallow end, by the ladder or the time jet, we still think of you  as in the whole pool.  The same rule applies to space.  Whether you think of yourself as on Earth, or the solar system, or the Milky Way, you still exist in all of space.  So according to Good Ole' Uncle Albert's Theory, we must exist in all of Time. That sounds like conceptual spin on what Uncle Einstein was talking about.  However, if you apply a few more principles, it may not be that big of a stretch.  

    For starters time is a dimension just like Longitude and Latitude.  Quick example: "I'll meet you on X Street and Y Avenue on Z Floor," (The 3 dimensions we think of living in.  The fourth dimension would be) at W O'clock".  Did you follow that?  It proves time as a dimension.   So now that we have that understanding, lets make time the top layer, like a membrane, encapsulating and seeping through the 3 space dimensions.  A Scientifically literate  person may refer to that as the "Tesseract of Time".  So as we established earlier space likes spheres, and as I recall the Earth used to be flat according to those of us that didn't have the imagination to see beyond the horizon.  Turns out Earth too, is a sphere, and if one travels far enough in the same direction he ends up back where he started.  

    So maybe, if our "Space Pool" is big enough ,our 3 dimensional existence just can't quite see beyond Times 4th dimensional horizon, where we might just float into yesterday's time Jet..  What do you think Mr. Columbus?
