We Humans can make some pretty amazing things.  Take for instance a Gatling Gun that is capable of firing up to 2000 rounds per minute.  A 20mm round weighs about two pounds and costs $5.00 U.S.D.  That means a Gatling Gun that shoots 2000  20mm rounds per minute, costs $10,000 dollars a minute to fire.  So by that math a helicopter equipped with two of these cannons, costs $20,000 dollars a minute to fire.  That being said, if you have a five helicopter attack squad, attacking for 5 minutes, we have spent $500,000 in ammunition alone!

          As I sit here in the great thinking room and ponder this, I can't help but to pose this thought:    How long of an operation is it for you to do Your daily "Doodies"?  The average human poop time (per poop) is about 7 minutes.  (According to the "Brendanian Scale", five equals seven [5=7] so this metaphor holds in scale.)    That's 7 minutes in full on Gravity.  Gravity that pulls everything down, a major component in the current observational operation.  So now imagine the Astronauts in the space station.  Especially the poor guy who has spent a #YearInSpace.  No Gravity! How does that work?  

          Don't keep thinking about it, that's disgusting.  I'll just point out that it has something to do with launching SHIT into Geo-synchronous  orbit, so that it doesn't land on us just 200 miles below.  Imagine that on your wind shield.  

       All I am saying is, think about what our Great Nation could be spending on a five minute operation before you piss and moan about an $800 toilet seat for the space station.

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